Brand Leadership | Mynice Recognized as a "Guangdong Famous Brand"

Brand Leadership | Mynice Recognized as a "Guangdong Famous Brand"

On August 8, 2024, the 18th China Brand Festival, jointly hosted by the Organizing Committee of the Brand Power Initiative Project and the Guangdong Enterprise Brand Building Promotion Association, was held grandly in Guangzhou with the theme of "New Quality and Breakthrough - Building More Globally Influential Guangdong Famous Brands." During the event, a ceremony was held to present the "Guangdong Famous Brand" awards, and Shenzhen Mynice Optoelectronics Co., Ltd.'s "Mynice MYNICE" brand was honored as one of the eighth batch of "Guangdong Famous Brands."


Guangdong Famous Brands are prestigious economic icons, selected through rigorous evaluations since 2021. Mynice Optoelectronics' "Mynice" brand was honored as one of the latest batch, totaling 332 brands recognized.

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This honor recognizes Mynice Optoelectronics' achievements in LED lighting and its commitment to innovation, adding to its accolades as a national "Little Giant" and Shenzhen's famous brand.

